Wednesday, June 27, 2007

24.06.2007 - Ferencmajor fishponds, Naszály

Today we checked the shorebird quantities on the drained pond which is almost completely covered by green vegetation. Only a narrow edge area is free from the growths. Due to the lack of water supply the water level is decreasing resulting very shallow feeding habitats for shorebirds. The weather has been extremely hot since weeks. There are signs of developing botulism at least on this lake. Some Greylag Goose showed a not so healthy conditions what the fishermen also reported. This is needed to be checked on a regular basis to organize rescue actions if needed as the number of Greylags are increasing day by day.
At one of the lake we saw 2 Purple Heron. Shorebird numbers are as follows: Pied Avocet 28 Black-winged Stilt 6 Eurasian Oystercatcher 1 Northern Lapwing 30 Little Ringed Plover 8 Common Redshank 17 Common Greenshank 5 Marsh Sandpiper 1 Spotted Redshank 17 Wood Sandpiper 50 Green Sandpiper 12 Common Tern 4 Whiskered Tern 5 Black Tern 1