Monday, July 9, 2007

09.07.2007 - Réti fishponds, Tata

Due to the lack of water supply the water level drastically decreased at almost every lake. This lake is situated 500 m of the last house of my home town. What is not good for fishermen that is excellent for the birds. Very nice number of birds recorded including 34 Eurasaian Spoonbills. Most of the birds are juveniles still praying for food from adults. One of the birds wore a color ring with the probable letter combination of ZX. The ring looked white and placed on the right leg. From the nearby stream a Black Stork flew off when getting very close to it. Also two very nice Puprle Heron was seen on one of the small ponds. Shorebirds and other interesting birds seen as follows: Purple Heron 2 Great Egret 40 Little Egret 13 Black Stork 1 Eurasian Spoonbill 34 Pied Avocet 27 Black-winged Stilt 12 (two juveniles) Northern Lapwing 20 Little Ringed Plover 23 Common Snipe 2 Eurasian Curlew 1 Ruff and Reewe 30 Common Redshank 6 Spotted Redshank 15 Common Greenshank 30 Wood Sandpiper 220 Common Sandpiper 2 Common Tern 3

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