Wednesday, July 25, 2007
25.07.2007 - Ferencmajor fishponds, Naszály
A short visit to the quite peaceful ponds produced only a very few birds. Today we saw 2 Temmick's Stints and a Common Ringed Plover, also 3 adult Common Sandpipers and a Common Greenshank. 3 young Common Terns still prayed for food on the only possible fresh mudflat.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
17.07.2007 - Ferencmajor fishponds, Naszály
Just a short walk at the lakes produced 3 adult Pygmy Cormorants and 4 Purple Herons in the late afternoon.
All the lakes are to be drained by the extreme weather. The temperature is very close to the absolute maximum ever recorded (over 41ºC). On the long time ago dry ponds only three families of Pied Avocets (8 pairs had breeding attempt) and one pair of Black-winged Stilt with chicks were also seen.
Many Common Terns hunting around the area and still feeding the young birds. Molting Black Terns are also present.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
12.07.2007 - Réti fishponds, Tata
As the water level of the local fishpond is continuously decreasing it is more and more attractive for the wading and shorebirds. I went out with Szandra, Dani for counting birds at the only "shorebird" pond in the late afternoon. This lake is closely related to the Ferencmajor fishponds (4 km distance between the two pond system) from movement of birds point of view. As an example the shorebirds quantity is quickly decreased at the Ferencmajor fishponds by the groving vegetation while it increased in Tata.
Among shorebirds we saw two ringed Eurasian Spoonbills with the following combination of color rings:
adult (or better to say 2y+) with light green ring on bot leg with code X2
adult (or better to say 2y+) with red plastic ring on the right leg with code Y6 (and a black on the left leg)
The following numbers are recorded:
Great Egret 55
Little Egret 18
Eurasian Spoonbill 22
Black Stork 1
European Hobby 1
Pied Avocet 23
Black-winged Stilt 10
Northern Lapwing 18
Little Ringed Plover 25
Black-tailed Godwit 4
Common Redshank 3
Spotted Redshank 41
Common Greenshank 37
Marsh Sandpiper 2
Wood Sandpiper 175
Green Sandpiper 1
Common Sandpiper 1
Ruff and Reeve 169
Common Raven 5
A tatai Réti-halastavakon a vízszint egyre alacsonyabb, mely kedvező feltételeket nyújt a gázló és partimadaraknak. Ma késő délután Szadrával és Danival mentem ki számolni a 8-as tóra. A madármozgások tekintetében ez a tó szoros kapcsolatban van a Ferencmajori-halastavakkal (mindössze 4 km van a két rendszer között). Csak példaképp a Ferencmajorban levő gulipánok és gólyatöcsök szinte mind eltűntek (a felnövekvő növényzet miatt), ugyanakkor a Réti-tavakon feltehetően ezeket a madarakat láttuk ma.
A 8-as tavon a kanalasgémek között két színes gyűrűs madár is volt, melyek közül egy már a korábbi napokban is látható volt. A következő kombinációval:
Öreg (inkább 2y+) világoszöld színes gyűrű mindkét lábán X2 kóddal
Öreg (inkább 2y+) fekete egyszínű színes gyűrű a bal lábon, piros a jobb lábon Y6 kóddal
Következő mennyiségeket számoltunk:
Nagy kócsag 55
Kis kócsag 18
Kanalasgém 22
Fekete gólya 1
Kabasólyom 1
Gulipán 23
Gólyatöcs 10
Bíbic 18
Kis lile 25
Nagy goda 4
Piroslábú cankó 3
Füstös cankó 41
Szürke cankó 37
Tavi cankó 2
Réti cankó 175
Erdei cankó 1
Billegetőcankó 1
Pajzsoscankó 169
Holló 5
Monday, July 9, 2007
09.07.2007 - Réti fishponds, Tata
Due to the lack of water supply the water level drastically decreased at almost every lake. This lake is situated 500 m of the last house of my home town. What is not good for fishermen that is excellent for the birds. Very nice number of birds recorded including 34 Eurasaian Spoonbills. Most of the birds are juveniles still praying for food from adults. One of the birds wore a color ring with the probable letter combination of ZX. The ring looked white and placed on the right leg.
From the nearby stream a Black Stork flew off when getting very close to it. Also two very nice Puprle Heron was seen on one of the small ponds.
Shorebirds and other interesting birds seen as follows:
Purple Heron 2
Great Egret 40
Little Egret 13
Black Stork 1
Eurasian Spoonbill 34
Pied Avocet 27
Black-winged Stilt 12 (two juveniles)
Northern Lapwing 20
Little Ringed Plover 23
Common Snipe 2
Eurasian Curlew 1
Ruff and Reewe 30
Common Redshank 6
Spotted Redshank 15
Common Greenshank 30
Wood Sandpiper 220
Common Sandpiper 2
Common Tern 3
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